Ok so happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Today was a huge day for me. We were off school made several exciting purchases and finished week 1 of our weight watchers. So let's start with the biggest news.
Today we purchased a new oven. The oven in our house is an original classic oldie that ran about 50 degrees off the wrong temp. After about 3 months of living in the house we were baking heard a popping noise which was the bottom heating coil going out. Well eating healthy is hard when you can't bake so we ordered a new oven today. We got the frigidaire gallery which matches our dishwasher and our fridge. Here is a pic.

As you can see it's pretty snazzy. Yes, I just said snazzy. It will be here in 1-2 weeks. The space we have is 27 inches and most now a days are 30 inches so they didn't have any in stock.
We bought. A scale today because we figured that the wii was not the best way to weigh. Turns out that was good thinking as the wii apparently makes you 5 lbs lighter. With that adjustment taken into consideration here are my week 1 results.

Now the goal weight you see here is 5%. My long term goal is in the 220 to 230 range. This past week I averaged 54 points a day when I am allowed 64 plus 54 bonus per week. I did pretty good other than a 70 point dinner from BWW on Friday.
Finally, working towards this goal Rexi and I picked up some new kicks and some sensors and were now set up for some iPod + Nike goodness.

We took the dogs today so we were a little slower than usual but we still managed two miles in 32:04 for an average of 16:02 a mile. I burned about 430 calories which is a good start.
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Location:Edmond, Ok