So we are ten days into the new year and it's time to begin trying to stick with those New Years resolutions. Oddly enough mine are widely varied and yet they all involve my IPad in some form or another. So here they are:
#1 Blogging
This is something that I have wanted to do for a long time and I've tried to get started a few times but it has never stuck. I feel like this time I can stick with although I need to figure out at some point what my focus will be.
#2 Get in better shape
This is something Rexi and I are doing together. We have joined weight watchers online as of today we are on the program. We waited till today because we were in Chicago this weekend and it didn't seem like the best idea to try to start it when we were going to be out of town. I would have taken a picture of the chicken fried rice we had for dinner but my phone is on the fritz so this will have to do.

As you can see I did pretty well today although I didn't have breakfast of any kind which is bad for your metabolism.
#3 Get organized
Now I do a very good job being mentally organized without using lists or anything of the such but I've decided I need to start. The busier I get the more I find I need some type of aid. This will hopefully also allow me to not be as last minute as I am now.

I will be using todo iPad app as my tool for his improvement.
#4. New facebook pic
This last one is specifically for my mother-in-law who has been bugging me to change my facebook. So it's from 2005 sue me. This one is easy. Here is the new pic, it's uploaded I just have to make my way to a pc to crop it because apparently you can't do that from an iPad.

There it is.
Thanks for taking the time to read. As a final thought I just wanted to shout to my parents who have been married 30 years today. Love you guys.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Edmond, Ok