Sunday, January 23, 2011


Ok, since the last time I've posted things have been pretty busy. I completed all of my work for Observing and Analyzing Teaching one of the two Research for Better Teaching courses I am taking. Now I just have to get my masters work turned in. On Thursday we had a snow day and that allowed me to finish reading book 6 of the Wheel of Time series.

Here is a little art from the book. If you are unfamiliar with the series I suggest you give it a chance especially if you like fantasy at all. As you can see

You will need a good chunk of time to dedicate to it. In total there are over 4 million words and 11,000 pages. I am about 150 pages into book 7.

Weekends are so short when we have Saturday school but I feel like the kids are really enjoying it this year. The extra work plus the fun makes it really beneficial.

Tonight we had our second week of curling and we got slaughtered 11-0. It was absolutely horrible. No one on our team could make a shot and the team we were playing was good but they weren't that good.

Oh also before curling tonight we decided to go to The Pita Pit to eat dinner. We get there only to find out that they are closed. So when I get home I get on the internet and look at there twitter page. It turns out they have been closed for maintenance since early in November. Now I'm no expert but what kind of maintenance takes 3 months to complete? Sounds like a health inspector issue to me.

Finally a preview of tomorrows blog. I did a sneak peak today and my weight is down from last week. Check in tomorrow to find out how much.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Edmond, Ok

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